Just the Facts: Your Target Audience May Not be on Google
The audience. Whether you’re referring to a play, a movie, a speaking event, or social media – it is that audience you have to impress, entertain, inform and basically keep as happy as possible. In the business world that audience must be able to enter the doors of your company and leave knowing that they have just been provided with the absolute best in customer satisfaction, products, services, staff experience – everything – so they want to return. But in the social media world that audience becomes even more important. This is the audience you can’t see; these are the ones sitting in the back rows of the darkened movie theatre waiting for the magic, and all your efforts must be put into being so good at what you do that the recommendations, reviews, praise, and support begins to flow. You have a short time to gain their attention, and a long road ahead when it comes to keeping it.
Search engines come into play where the audience is concerned, and with so many out there competing for a business’s business, not to mention members, followers and individuals who will come on board and use their platforms, it is important to remember that your target audience can be found in a multitude of places. So which one is for you? Which platform has more of that target audience that you’re so trying to reach in order to build your company’s brand into something as easy to recognize as the Golden Arches?
The ROI when it comes to a business’s marketing plan can be increased significantly when their social media campaign is put out in the right way in the right place to the right people. What facts are out there that perhaps you don’t know about that could help you in your decision-making process? Almost 75% of the people who search on Bing and Yahoo in the travel category are exclusive, which means a travel business just opening its doors, or a new resort, B&B, etc., will only find these travel searchers on the Yahoo Bing Network, effectively erasing Google from the major audience you are trying to reach.
Google and Facebook – certainly the two names heard most often in the realm of social media are not, in fact, wise choices when it comes to huge marketing campaigns for specific industries. And when it comes to researching the overall performance of these search engines, yet again, it is that audience that drives their performance numbers.
When it comes to Bing, they have approximately fifty million users that are unique and distinct searchers that can only be found on Bing and Yahoo Search; searchers you need in order to grow your business. There are unique searchers across a range of industries: Telecommunications, Automotive, Business, Education, and Retail being the largest. Therefore, if your marketing campaign is not set up correctly, which means if your research is not done beforehand, by the social media team you hire, your ROI will not grow and you will be basically throwing money down the proverbial toilet trying to sell wheelchairs to an audience with a predominantly teen demographic.
Although this seems simple enough, it’s not. Not without learning and understanding all the facts. When a company heads to Google and does not advertise with Bing Ads for these industries, as well as others, the ROI for the campaign will decrease sharply. And even though it is still a fact that users do switch off and on between search engines, it is also a fact that predominantly they will stick with the same search engine they grow fond of and never leave.
Facts coming from the Audience Buying Power Index (source: comScore), offered a great deal of information to the business community out there who still believed that Google was the one and only search engine that consumers relied upon. What was found, was that over one-hundred-and-fifty million American searchers on the Yahoo Bing Network spent eight percent more than Google searchers in 2012. Fact is, they are the buyers!
There are many facts racing around out there across the World Wide Web which brings everything down to research. A social media marketing team has the experience to fully understand what that audience hiding in the back row in the darkness of the theatre wants to read and wants to buy. They understand that the Bing campaigns are useful and that any campaign must be appropriate and made specific so that the audience will not only buy for themselves, but they will tell their friends so that the cash starts flowing.
So before putting out that next article, blog or marketing campaign that literally must work in order for the company to continue to build a solid brand, get the facts!
Baret News Wire
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